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- INFO-HAMS Digest Wed, 13 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1012
- Today's Topics:
- ARRL Propagation Forecast Bn Nr 49
- Callbook privacy?
- Dual-band HTs: What's available?
- Meteor Shower
- Modifying Radios for out of band use
- rec.scanners
- What about for us SWL's ? Re: Tuning dipoles and antennas.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 16:47:09 GMT
- From: cs.utexas.edu!samsung!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!larry!sde@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Scott Ellington)
- Subject: ARRL Propagation Forecast Bn Nr 49
- Message-ID: <788@larry.sal.wisc.edu>
- Does anyone out there understand the wierd propagation we've had on 20
- Meters at night for the last week or so? The polar path is open, even
- though there's no sunlight there, but the Pacific path is dead. At the
- same time, the dark path to ZS6 is wide open.
- K9MA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 89 10:06:11 GMT
- From: "Pete Lucas, NERC-TLC, Swindon U.K." <PJML@
- Subject: Callbook privacy?
- Message-ID: <13 Dec 89 10:06:56 GMT #0370@UK.AC.NWL.IA>
- In the US callbook, do the publishers of the callbook have to get your
- permission to include your call? Or do the FCC give/sell the calls database
- to the callbook publishers? Is there any way of guaranteeing non-inclusion
- in the callbook?
- The DTI (British equivalent of FCC) have a 'non-disclosure' box on the
- license application form - if you mark the box, they keep your call and
- address out of the 'published' list of calls.
- Call me paranoid, but i dont want my address listed in lists! My home
- phone is ex-directory too (keeps the tele-sales people offering timeshare
- apartments away from me!)
- ..._._ de G6WBJ
- ++Pete
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 14:12:19 GMT
- From: young@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Mike Young)
- Subject: Dual-band HTs: What's available?
- Message-ID: <13817@pur-ee.UUCP>
- There's been discussion about the relative merits and tradeoffs
- between the various dual-band (2m/440) HTs now available and rumored;
- but for the benefit of us neophytes, would some kind, knowledgeable soul
- be interested in posting a short summary of the makes and models now
- or soon to be in manufacture? I am, for example, aware of the Kenwood
- (FT-75R ??), and I know Icom and Yaesu have at least one each, but have
- heard little about the specs and features, let alone the model numbers!
- Those of us in ham-radio-retail wasteland thank you in advance :-)
- -Mike Young KA9HZE
- Purdue University EE Dept.
- young@ecn.purdue.edu
- ...!pur-ee!young
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 16:38:02 GMT
- From: oliveb!amdahl!greg@apple.com (Greg Bullough)
- Subject: Meteor Shower
- Message-ID: <16AD02zI740x01@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com>
- In article <7404@hubcap.clemson.edu> bjb@hubcap.clemson.edu (BJ Backitis ) writes:
- >From article <2728@radio.oakhill.UUCP>, by charlie@oakhill.UUCP (Charlie Thompson):
- >> Isn't there a meteor shower going on circa Dec 14th?
- >> Anybody using VHF meteor scatter during this period?
- >> Thanks in advance,
- >> Charlie Thompson
- >> WB4HVD
- >
- >According to the 1990 Old Farmer's Almanac, the Geminid meteor is
- >occuring during the December 13-14 period, coinciding with a full
- >moon (bad for observers, not too bad for meteor scatter VHF).
- Well at 2330 last night, I was witness to a *VERY* low (lower than
- the 1200' mountain) meteor trail. So I can vouch for the fact that
- they're up there. :-)
- Greg
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Dec 89 11:47:28 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!reading!cf-cm!cybaswan!cs9h9ral@uunet.uu.net (ra.lawson)
- Subject: Modifying Radios for out of band use
- Message-ID: <1301@cybaswan.UUCP>
- What's wrong with modifacations ??
- When I bought my Kenwood TH-75E handheld in the summer, the people who
- sold it to me (in England) asked whether I would like it to be modified
- to cover 130 to 170 Mhz (and 410 to 460 Mhz) receive, and a little out
- of band transmit...
- Naturally I said yes and the xcvr arrived fully modded with the guarantee
- still intact. This is very commonplace in England and, as far as I am
- aware, there is no opposition from the DTI (our governing body).
- The DTI will, quite naturally come down very heavily on anyone actually
- transmitting out of band...
- By the way, I'm new to the newsgroup and I'm not too sure whether this
- article is actually getting outside Swansea University, Wales. I would
- be very greatfull for any reports of where it reached...
- I think I can be mailed directly by either of the two following addresses:
- cs9h9ral@uk.ac.swan.pyr
- cs9h9ral@cybaswan.UUCP
- Quote :: 'Marvelous, absoloutely marvelous !' - G4DXA.
- Remember: White Rose Radio Rally - 1st April, Leeds University.
- Meet the G4DXA!!
- Thanks in advance for any replies - Richard Lawson... G7BPD (Back Pack Daemon)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 14:54:37 GMT
- From: robert@arizona.edu (Robert J. Drabek)
- Subject: rec.scanners
- Message-ID: <16110@megaron.cs.arizona.edu>
- In article <37046@apple.Apple.COM>, chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) writes:
- > MROWEN@STLAWU.BITNET (Mike Owen W9IP) writes:
- >
- > >This is rec.Ham radio, after all. Scanner fans have every right to
- > >air their views, [but] discuss [it elsewhere]
- >
- > If the ham radio folks don't want you scanner folks, then come on over to
- > rec.radio.shortwave. You're welcome to join us until you decide you want
- > your own group. (This is, in fact, one reason why rec.radio.shortwave
- > was created was to get away from just this attitude.
- > Chuq Von Rospach <+> chuq@apple.com <+> [This is myself speaking]
- NO! NO! NO!
- Rec.radio.shortwave was created to keep the noise level down or at least
- within a specific spectrum. Create a rec.radio.scanner if you want, I'd
- certainly vote a resounding yes, but we do not want our (shortwave)
- bandwidth chocked full scanner stuff, please. Most of us don't have the
- time to hit the ignore-article key too many times per day, and keeping
- things segregated helps a lot.
- If you want to continue reading the things in the ham group, that's
- why it's here.
- --
- Robert J. Drabek robert@cs.Arizona.EDU
- Department of Computer Science uunet!arizona!robert
- The University of Arizona
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 07:04:36 GMT
- From: cbmvax!grr@rutgers.edu (George Robbins)
- Subject: What about for us SWL's ? Re: Tuning dipoles and antennas.
- Message-ID: <8971@cbmvax.commodore.com>
- In article <3279@kd4nc.UUCP> ke4zv@kd4nc.UUCP (Gary Coffman) writes:
- > In article <5606@internal.Apple.COM> ems@Apple.COM (Mike Smith) writes:
- > >In article <1260002@hpmwtlb.HP.COM> timb@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Tim Bagwell) writes:
- > >What about us folks that only have a reciever?
- > >
- > >How important is an antenna tuner to the SWL?
- > you use a matching network to transform the impedance at the antenna
- > terminals to the 50 ohms required by most modern high grade receivers.
- > A device that can combine both of these functions in one box is called
- > a random wire tuner. To adjust it you simply tweak it for the loudest
- > signal at the frequency you're using. Simple no?
- OK, what are some examples of a "random wire tuner" that one can go out
- and buy?
- I observe that Heath, MFJ and others have some "two knob" antenna tuners
- good for maybe 200 watts that might make sense for receive only use,
- however only the "three knob" ones seem to offer "inputs for random wire",
- but then the "third knob" is nominally for tuning connection to the
- "transmitter", which should be non-critical for recieve only operation.
- Anyhow, are either of these devices appropriate, or is it something else
- again that one needs...
- --
- George Robbins - now working for, uucp: {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
- but no way officially representing arpa: cbmvax!grr@uunet.uu.net
- Commodore, Engineering Department fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1012
- ***************************************